Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Nicotine Overdose
However, there are many ways for nicotine to enter the bloodstream, from smoking regular or vaping e-cigarettes to using chew, patches, or gum. Nicotine can also enter the bloodstream through direct skin contact. Never use nicotine patches other than as directed, and do not combine their use with smoking.Although approximately 40 to 60 milligrams of nicotine will result in an overdose, you should think of this as more of a ballpark number. Since everyone has a different genetic makeup, there is no way to know with certainty how much it takes to overdosethe amount for one person will be different for another.

Nicotine only makes up approximately 0.63.0% of dry weight in tobacco, which is the main ingredient of a tobacco cigarette, primarily because of its addictive qualities. On average, a cigarette manufactured in the United States contains about 9 mg of nicotine, but this is not the amount of nicotine that is ingested by a smoker. When cigarettes are burned, the smoke is inhaled by the user, so the nicotine enters the lungs and absorbs into the body before entering the bloodstream. The amount of nicotine actually entering the body is typically less than 1 mg.
Our bodies give us a lot of warning signs and signals when we are being poisoned. Poisoning from nicotine is generally seen in two stages:
1st Stage
NauseaVomitingAbdominal painSweatingHypertensionTachycardia, or a dangerously fast heart rateAtaxia, or a lack of muscle coordination that may affect speech, eye movements, and the ability to swallow or walkHeadacheDizzinessShaking and tremorsSeizures
What you'll most likely notice: Dark gums and lips (they possibly will appear purple due to the lack of oxygen in the blood), hearing or vision problems, chest pain, cold sweats, numb, cold fingers or toes, a headache, bad breath (but a lot of people have that!), confusion, anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks, high pulse rate, no appetite, increased blood pressure, fatigue, and general weakness.
2nd Stage
BradycardiaHypotensionCentral nervous system depressionComaAnd finally, breathing and respiratory failure